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Monday, April 23, 2007

Change in Office Location

Hi all, I’m finally back after weeks of travel and pulling resources from a huge amount of contributors. So where do we stand. Well our site development has slowed in recent weeks mostly do to the fact that our people were engaged in a host of various unavoidable activities not to mention a partial relocation from the Florida office to the Boston area. Yep as word has it, it appears our office will be relocating to the Boston Massachusetts area around the August time frame.

This move will put us in more direct contact with many of our contributors throughout the metropolitan area in the Northeast while still maintaining a strong presence in the Pacific Northwest. Overall, it is anticipated our move will slow our site development during this transition time but rest assured, content continues to be added weekly as our site continues to expand.

Cheers all.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Massachusetts and Maryland Colleges and Universities Links Verified

As part of maintaining the most up to date and accurate resources we’ve begun a campaign to verify each external link, not only for a live link, but to verify the proper resources we are pointing to. With over 4000 schools alone throughout the United States we’re slowly making progress but in the end this meticulous process will better serve our site visitors.

So far this week we have verified the following page links:

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

And Even More Updates

Vermont colleges and university listings have been updated along with recent corrections to our Resume Information section and worksheets.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Career Planning Updates

A few updates to the Career Planning section were uploaded today as we continue to move forward with content editing. The following pages added today are:

My First Job
Choosing a Career
Gaining Experience
Starting My Career

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Acronyms Section Added

Today we added a career and employment acronym section which derived out of several inner office discussions as to the meaning of several common acronyms used across a number of fields.

Several content development efforts are in their final stages so a number of updates will upload over the next several days (realistically we’re looking at this weekend so we don’t cause any traffic hiccups).

Cheers all and happy career building… The Office Staff.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Page Errors Fixed

Last Tuesday, March 27th we ran into some page errors, specifically those pages within the Resource Center Listings. As of this afternoon, it appears we have resolved this coding problem throughout the site and continue to keep a watchful eye for any minor errors we may have overlooked.