Last August we launched our website College Admission Secrets Exposed to promote the eBook publication of the same name. Initially and in all honesty, the site was juvenile at best. So in recent months we had a revision of the marketing web site, graphics, ebook covers, and blog content for the site. After months of rework we are pleased to report that the additions and revisions have now been completed with a few minor items still outstanding. Along with our publication updates we additionally made changes to the primary website hosting our eBook, which can be found at
Built on a custom WordPress theme platform, the blog and site layout is designed to accomplish two goals. 1) To provide free student advice for current and prospective college and university students through our blog entries, articles and commentaries. 2) To provide a platform to market and promote our eBook on how to get into college with College Admission Secrets Exposed.
Additionally, we have been working with our other sites to consolidate our United States University and College, by state database which we are publishing on the site as a free resource for our visitors.
Built on a custom WordPress theme platform, the blog and site layout is designed to accomplish two goals. 1) To provide free student advice for current and prospective college and university students through our blog entries, articles and commentaries. 2) To provide a platform to market and promote our eBook on how to get into college with College Admission Secrets Exposed.
Additionally, we have been working with our other sites to consolidate our United States University and College, by state database which we are publishing on the site as a free resource for our visitors.